Four new projects are proceeding at a total cost of $60 million, according to the province.

Four new projects are proceeding at a total cost of $60 million, according to the province.

Province unveils freeway upgrades South of Fraser

New lanes, interchanges and a South Surrey park and ride expansion get green light

The province will expand the overcrowded South Surrey Park and Ride as part of a plan to pour $60 million into four road work projects along Highway 99 and Highway 1 over the next three years.

In Langley, a new truck climbing lane will provide a third eastbound lane between 232 and 264 streets to help transport trucks merge and travel safely.

The 248 Street overpass will also be replaced as part of the $24-million project.

Another $24 million will go to a new 16 Avenue interchange on Highway 99 to add a new access point to the freeway in South Surrey.

The additional lot for the park and ride at King George Highway and Highway 99 will be inside the existing interchange loop and will add more than 300 spaces, at a cost of $4.5 million.

Another $8 million will widen Highway 99 at the South Fraser Perimeter Road interchange to include a dedicated HOV/bus lane through that stretch.

“These projects will reduce congestion, increase safety and support public transit for families and motorists in Surrey, Langley and Delta,” Transportation Minister Mary Polak said.

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