Province uploads internet to Regional District of Bulkley Nechako

The Village of Granisle and the Regional District of Bulkley Nechako (RDBN) are receiving $50,000 each to expand internet services.

  • Jul. 6, 2011 2:00 p.m.

The Village of Granisle and the Regional District of Bulkley Nechako (RDBN) are receiving $50,000 each to expand internet services.

According to Sharon Smith, Village of Granisle chief administrative officer the funding will see the entire Village of Granisle connected to broadband internet.

“Most of the village was covered by broadband already, but there was a blind spot that was not covered,” Smith said, adding that the lower area of the village, around Byron Circle will soon be able to receive the service.

Smith said much of the RDBN remains without the service, but the latest announcement will see broadband internet connectivity become available to those living at Topley Landing and sections of RDBN’s area G, Houston rural.

Smith said they are hoping to have the service in place by the end of the fall as they still have to go through a permitting process to erect transmission towers on crown land.

The funding comes as part of the province’s $2.34 million funding infusion to bring broadband internet to over 60 locations across B.C.

According to the province, expanding broadband services into rural areas also creates new economic opportunities by providing job training to thousands of people living in B.C.’s smallest communities.

Premier Christe Clark also promised to expand broadband internet further into B.C.’s rural communities and make B.C. one of the most connected jurisdictions in the world.

According to the province, a total of 93 per cent of British Columbians now have access to high speed internet.


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