Public encouraged to submit ideas to name new Trail bridge

Anyone with a naming idea has until Dec. 16 to submit a suggestion.

Here’s hoping naming the new Trail bridge will be a piece of cake compared to the process of getting it built.

After three-plus years of back-and-forth between regional partners and eleventh-hour negotiations in September, the pipeline/pedestrian crossing officially broke ground two weeks ago.

Beginning this week, the city is calling for citizens to “Name that Bridge.”

Anyone with a naming idea has until Dec. 16 to submit a suggestion.

The application is simple to fill out and available on the city’s website or in hard copy at city hall. But with more than a century of Silver City history to pull from, there’s an abundance of possibilities to consider.

That said, the city has stamped a few guidelines on forthcoming proposals.

“The bridge will be a signature structure for our region and a huge attractant for our community,” says Andrea Jolly, City of Trail communication and events coordinator. “Its name should reflect the importance and prominence it will have in our region for years to come.”

Along with the suggestion, participants must include the meaning of the proposed name, and answer “yes” or “no” if the proposed name will still have significance in 100-plus years.

Additionally, each name must include a historical, cultural, or regional reference.

After the close of business on Dec. 16, Trail council will be tasked to decide how they will choose a winner and how the winner will be awarded.

At an earlier governance meeting, Jolly suggested council members assemble a selected committee to narrow down to the top-three or top-10 submissions, then put those choices back for a public vote.

“Those are options that can be decided later down the line,” she said, mentioning a committee of community representatives could be formed to make the final name decision.

“But it is proposed that the public does contribute to the naming process.”

During the meeting, council unanimously agreed with Jolly’s recommendation.

Trail Daily Times