Public hearing tonight for OCP, Zoning Amendments

Tonight’s council meeting will include a public hearing regarding a property on Theatre Road.

Tonight’s council meeting will include a public hearing for amendments to the Official Community Plan and the Zoning Amendment Bylaw with regards to a property on Theatre Road. The property is located on the southern edge of Godderis Road where it meets Theatre Road and is legally described as Lot 1, District Lot 27, Kootenay District Plan 5155.

The proposed OCP amendment bylaw will change the land use designation of part of the property from Light Industrial to Heavy Industrial.

The proposed amendments to the  will change the zoning bylaw designation of the property from an RT — Residential Transition Zone, to M-3 — Heavy Industrial and Transportation Zone.

The public hearing is a chance for the public to voice their comments on the proposal.

The amendment will enable the consideration of subdivision of the subject property portion and lot consideration for the adjoining property to the south.

Cranbrook Daily Townsman