More road work is planned for Highway 14 this spring. (Sooke News Mirror)

More road work is planned for Highway 14 this spring. (Sooke News Mirror)

Public info session set for Highway 14 improvements near Sooke

Road widening, park-and-ride facility, paving and wider shoulders part of project

The provincial government will host a public information session on Tuesday (Dec. 3) to layout plans about two safety improvement projects planned for Highway 14 near Sooke.

Highlights of the two projects include:

• Widening and realigning a section of Highway 14 located generally between Glinz Lake and Connie roads.

• Construction of a new intersection and park and ride facility at Gillespie Road.

• Construction of wider shoulders and paving approximately 11 kilometres of the highway between Otter Point Road and Woodhaven Road, west of Sooke.

RELATED: Province announces more improvements for Highway 14

The information session is at Edward Milne Community School, 6218 Sooke Rd., from 5 to 8 p.m.

Anyone unable to attend can find more information and provide feedback online at

This information will be available online following the conclusion of the open house.

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