The IAA will accept public feedback over concerns around the proposed CP Rail project until Aug. 16. (Special to The News)

Public input sought over potential adverse impact of CP Rail project in Pitt Meadows

Impact assessment agency seeking feedback following Katzie written request

  • Aug. 14, 2021 12:00 a.m.

After the Katzie First Nation’s written request to initiate a federal impact assessment, the Impact Assessment Agency (IAA) is seeking public input over the CP Rail’s proposed expansion project in Pitt Meadows.

In a letter dated July 9, the Katzie asked Environment Minister Jonathan Wilkinson to put forth an impact assessment of the CP Logistics Park Vancouver and the Pitt Meadows Road and Rail Improvements. Following the letter, the IAA is now seeking public feedback on their concerns around potential adverse impacts such as fisheries and habitat, migratory birds, environment and air quality, that fall under the federal purview, in relation to the proposed project.

RELATED: Katzie ask feds for impact assessment of CP Rail projects in Pitt Meadows

Public feedback will be considered until Monday, Aug. 16.

The Katzie are opposed to the project citing potential adverse impacts on the Katzie Slough which is a rearing habitat in the Lower Fraser River watershed. It is also, “a culturally significant travel artery for [Katzie] prior to the colonization and industrial use of the area,” as per the letter signed by Chief Grace George and the rest of the Katzie councillors.

Apart from the Katzie, the City of Pitt Meadows, the Agricultural Land Commission and the Lower Fraser Fisheries Alliance comprising of 23 First Nations on the Lower Fraser River from Hope west, have expressed their opposition to the proposed project.

The city’s website states that the City of Pitt Meadows Council “continues to strongly oppose the proposed expansion of the CP Logistics Park. The project poses numerous significant health, safety and environmental risks to Pitt Meadows.”

Those who wish to provide feedback, can email by Monday, Aug. 16, 2021.

– With files from Neil Corbett

ALSO READ: Agricultural Land Commission opposes CP plans in Pitt Meadows

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