Neuron Mobility unveiled its fleet of 250 e-scooters in Vernon July 29, 2021, in the 2900 Plaza downtown. After more than a month, the transportation mode is proving to be popular with users. (Morning Star - file photo)

Public rolling along with Neurons in Vernon

Numbers after a month of the trial project involving e-scooters show Vernon users taking a fancy to the two-wheelers

  • Sep. 6, 2021 12:00 a.m.

The Neurons, so far, have been nifty.

Vernon council meets in person for its only time in September on Tuesday, the 7th, and they will get an update on the N3 Neuron e-scooter introduced to the city on a trial basis in late July.

The numbers to date show the public being quite taken with the transportation mode.

As of Aug. 30, 8,116 people have signed up as Neuron users in Vernon and there have been 22,533 trips taken since the day of the launch (July 29). In just more than a month, 7,235 users have rated their Neuron ride as a 4 or 5 out of 5. The average rating is 4.5.

The total trip distance in the past month on the scooters has been 71,345 kilometres.

To ride the scooters, a person must be 18, not under the influence, wear a helmet (which are provided on the scooter), be the only rider and not carry any passengers or pets, do not use a distracting device like cell phones or earbuds, abide by local traffic rules and park responsibly.

“Safety is at the heart of everything we do,” said Isaac Ransom, the head of government relations in Canada for Neuron Mobility, in his report to council.

Since beginning operations in Vernon, the organization has put in eight slow-riding, six no-riding and 14 no-parking zones in collaboration with the city and stakeholders.

They’re offering incentives for helmet use and good parking practices, as well as putting on rider and public education programs.

City active transportation coordinator Angela Broadbent has also prepared a three-page report on the scooter project for council’s perusal and discussion.

READ MORE: E-scooters rollout in Vernon

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