Vernon council meetings have now gone strictly virtual following the latest provincial health orders aimed at reducing the spread of COVID-19. (Jennifer Smith - Morning Star)

Public welcome back in Vernon council chambers

Amendments to the PHO allow for limited attendance

  • Jun. 25, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Members of the public can once again attend council meetings at city hall, but meetings will still be live-streamed.

Amendments made to the provincial health order on June 22 allow a maximum number of people to gather — determined by physical distancing.

In the City of Vernon’s council chambers, that number is 23 which includes council, staff, members of the public and media.

It is first-come-first-serve for the limited number of seats.

Attendees are to provide their information for contact tracing, observe physical distancing, wear masks and remain seated. Hand-washing stations are available.

Until further notice, public hearings will be held at the Dogwood Gymnasium at the Vernon Recreation Centre where a maximum of 50 people can gather, under the same conditions.

The Annual General Meeting, slated to take place at 5 p.m. on June 28, will still go ahead in council chambers. Those who registered to attend virtually by Zoom will be able to do so.

People who couldn’t make it or couldn’t get in can still watch council as the meetings are all video recorded and posted on the city’s website by noon the next day. Afternoon sessions of council are live-streamed.

For more information on Council meetings, the public hearing process, and the City’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic, please visit

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Vernon Morning Star