Quadra Island Fall Fair organizers ready to rock

The grassroots of Quadra Island have taken on a new project, and it promises to be fun for all

  • Aug. 23, 2011 2:00 p.m.

The grassroots of Quadra Island have taken on a new project, and it promises to be fun for all. Islanders of every sort have united to create the first annual Quadra Island Fall Fair.

The Fall Fair is happening Sept. 4, from 10 a.m.-6 p.m. on the grounds of the Quadra Community Centre.

The Quadra Island Fall Fair has everything a fair-goer could desire. Be entertained by local musicians, enjoy the interactive family theatre stage, and check out the roving entertainers as you meander the grounds.

There will be dog obedience and dog agility demonstrations, a petting farm, and a pet parade as well as an exhibit area with poultry and small critters.

Watch the sheep-to-slipper demonstration, or check out the many other demonstrations including: blacksmithing, apple pressing, bikes in the jump park, skateboarding, grain grinding, pottery, honey bees, spinning and weaving.

Stop by the Informative Talks Tent to hear local experts speak on subjects relevant to self sufficiency. Scheduled topics include: permaculture, seed saving, west coast maple syrup, managing your fall harvest and compost tea.

Various local groups will be selling tasty food, both hot and cold. The Fall Fair organizers are asking everyone to bring your own water bottle, as there will be a refill area.

Games planned for the Fair include: chicken poo bingo, a cake walk, and the gumboot toss.

At the heart of all Fall Fairs are the exhibits. The Quadra Island Fall Fair has an amazingly diverse selection of categories, including applied arts, hobby crafts, flowers, vegetables, fruit, poultry, youth, needle arts, photography, canning and preserving, up-cycled, and more. The Human Powered Invention category should be interesting, as well as the various People’s Choice exhibits, which are judged by all fair attendees.

It has been an amazing journey bringing the fair to fruition, one which includes over 100 volunteers and counting.

Fair organizers, volunteers and islanders alike welcome you to Quadra Island to the First Annual Fall Fair.

“The seed of an idea for a grand fall fair began with a few individuals and a vision,” said organizer Sioux Hartle. “Early germination led to a major volunteer collaboration, which bolted in April, self-seeded in May, and has grown steadily in planning and preparation since.”


Campbell River Mirror