Quadra Islanders to debate tidal power

RM Projects Ltd. has applied for investigative licenses for the purpose of determining the potential for tidal power

Quadra residents will get an opportunity this month to discuss the merits and liabilities of tidal power in the channels that course by their island.

Nanaimo-based SRM Projects Ltd. has applied for investigative licenses for the purpose of determining the potential for tidal power in south Discovery Passage and Seymour Narrows.

News of the initiative prompted Strathcona Regional District Director and Quadra resident Jim Abram to challenge the wisdom of introducing tidal power generation projects in the waters around Quadra.

He also questioned why SRM was holding a public consultation meeting at Rivercorp’s boardroom in Campbell River to the exclusion of Quadra.

SRM Principal Scot Merriam acted immediately to address Abram’s concerns. “I spoke with Jim Abram,” he told the Mirror, “and we are setting up a community information meeting from 7 to 8 p.m. Wednesday Nov. 21 at the Quadra Island Community Center.

“Jim is very knowledgeable about the proposed investigative areas and we look

forward to exchanging more information with him and other members of the

Quadra Island community,” Merriam added.

Campbell River Mirror