Qualicum-Parksville Kiwanis Housing Society is developing an affordable housing project on Railway Street and Village Way. (DYS Illustration).

Qualicum Beach affordable housing project approved for funding from BC Housing

Plan is for a 56-unit, multi-residential building

  • Jun. 4, 2021 12:00 a.m.

The Qualicum-Parksville Kiwanis Housing Society’s affordable housing development in Qualicum Beach has been approved for a funding grant from BC Housing.

It is one of four projects on Vancouver Island selected through the Building BC: Community Housing Fund that was, announced on Friday, June 4. It is also one of 47 new projects that will provide more than 2,400 affordable rental homes for people with moderate and low incomes in 39 communities throughout the province.

Kiwanis is building a 56-unit, multi-residential development on a property owned by the Town of Qualicum Beach located at Railway Street and Village Way. It will feature an apartment building with 48 rental units and a separate eight townhouses. It was recently awarded a development permit by Qualicum Beach council, with a condition that the height of the building should be just four storeys high on any sides of the proposed development.

Qualicum Beach Coun. Scott Harrison, who has been advocating for the development of affordable housing in Qualicum Beach, welcomed the news.

READ MORE: Qualicum Beach affordable housing project gets development permit but subject to height reduction

“I am very grateful for all of the hard work from Kiwanis and citizens in the community who volunteered their time to bring this to fruition,” Harrison expressed on his Facebook page. “This is likely to be the largest grant in the history of the town.”

He added: “While a tremendous amount of work remains, this is a massive step forward for affordable housing and ensuring that young families, essential workers, and low income seniors can have an apartment or townhouse they can afford in their community.”

Parksville-Qualicum MLA Adam Walker is also pleased to hear the project received BC Housing’s approval.

“People in our community have felt the housing crunch in a major way,” said Walker. “Our government knows how important it is to increase the housing supply and I’m proud this partnership with the Qualicum Parksville Kiwanis Housing Society will deliver more affordable options for people.”

The fund will provide approximately 2,455 rental homes for individuals, families, seniors, people with disabilities and Indigenous peoples throughout the province.

“These new homes mean that thousands of families, seniors and Indigenous peoples in our province will enjoy safe, new, affordable homes,” said David Eby, Attorney General and Minister Responsible for Housing.

“These homes are part of the nearly 30,000 affordable homes now complete or underway in every corner of the province, building on the significant momentum as we recover from more than a decade of underinvestment in housing by the old government. We’re making good progress in addressing the housing crisis for all British Columbians, and there’s more to do.”


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