Qualicum Beach town council considers 18-lot subdivision

Project would require changes to official community plan and zoning — it’s parks/rec now

Qualicum Beach town council is considering an 18-lot subdivision on the Eaglecrest Golf Club driving range.

The property is currently zoned Parks and Recreation, but the staff report says the official community plan (OCP) suggests nine single family homes would be appropriate in the future.

The Cottages at Eaglecrest project would require OCP and zoning changes to single family residential and a doubling of the allowable units.

Proponent John Larson said the project was carefully designed to take advantage of the site, orienting the houses for solar efficiency and building as environmentally friendly as possible, including meeting Energy Star requirements.

He said the houses will average 167 sq.m (1,800 sq.ft.), which is smaller than the current average for single family homes and called the project important “infill without significant environmental risks,” pointing out there are already municipal utilities available.

The density would be 13.23 units per acre, which is higher than the zone’s maximum of 12.

The proposal includes beautifying Country Club Drive, with most of the access to the new homes coming from an a new internal street, keeping traffic off the main road.

The staff report says there is nothing in the OCP that specifically contradicts the request, leaving the decision in council’s hands.

Led by questions from Coun. Barry Avis, council appeared supportive of the project’s proposal to relocate the overhead wires underground.

Council unanimously passed all five motions related to the project, giving first reading to the OCP and zoning amendments and requiring more detailed plans before second reading.

The proposal will return for council consideration in the future.

Other Qualicum Beach council news:

• A public hearing about amending the zoning to allow medical services in Qualicum Commons is scheduled for Monday, February 22 at the beginning of the regular council meeting at 7 p.m. in the town hall council chambers.

• Council agreed that management staff will be compensated for extra hours during last summer’s labour dispute “on straight time hours worked at the $57.64 average management rate of pay.”

• The annual Qualicum Beach, Beach Day Celebration will take place July 17, 2016 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

• Council asked the Select Committee on Environment and Sustainability to investigate ways the town can work with Broom Busters and other volunteer organizations to make Qualicum Beach the first officially recognized broom-free municipality on Vancouver Island within two years.

• Council directed staff to provide an initial support payment of $5,000 to the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 76 for the Canada 150 community celebration on July 1, 2017.

• Council instructed staff to investigate options for a new location for a second community garden to accommodate 50 garden plots.

• Council appointed Tom Whitfield to the Heritage Forest Commission for a term ending December 31, 2017.

• Avis was appointed as liaison on the St. Mark’s Fair 2016 organizing committee.

Parksville Qualicum Beach News