Quatsino First Nation announced on April 19 it has one confirmed case of COVID-19. (Facebook screenshot)

Quatsino First Nation has one confirmed case of COVID-19

"COVID does not discriminate, we need to come together and support each other as a whole community."

A member of the Quatsino First Nation on northern Vancouver Island has tested positive for COVID-19.

The band issued a news release on April 19, stating, “The individual, and members of their household, have started their self-isolation. Public Health is currently contact tracing to notify people that may have been in close contact.”

The release also asked for First Nation members to “be still, so that we can limit the spread of COVID-19 in our community. While our risk is higher right now, by limiting our contacts as much as possible, we can stop transmission. The vaccine that we received provides us protection but is not a guarantee against infection. COVID does not discriminate, we need to come together and support each other as a whole community. Everyone is asked to do their part.”

Quatsino First Nation has moved into a Red Phase response, which means they are limiting travel in and around Mount Waddington, and are limiting contacts to their own immediate household.

k’ak’ot’lats’i School has also closed for the time being with their students moving to online learning, and the Ax sila xa Gingananam Daycare has also closed in-person service.

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