Arrow Harper was born Jan. 1, 2021 at the Queen Victoria Hospital in Revelstoke. (Submitted)

Queen Victoria Hospital sees first baby of 2021

Arrow Harper was born Jan. 1

  • Jan. 8, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Baby boy Arrow Harper was the first baby born at the Queen Victoria Hospital in 2021, on Jan. 1.

He came two weeks early to share a birthday with his mom, April Kealy.

“Declan and I are besotted,” she said, in an email.

Kealy is originally from Ireland and Declan Harper, her partner, from England, however they normally call Australia home.

The two have lived in Revelstoke for over a year, to pursue their love of snowboarding, and decided it would be an amazing place to raise a child. They are working on staying permanently.


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Revelstoke Review


Arrow Harper was born Jan. 1, 2021 at the Queen Victoria Hospital in Revelstoke. (Submitted)