Quesnel City Hall is set to reopen to the public on June 1.

Quesnel City Hall is set to reopen to the public on June 1.

Quesnel City Hall visitors required to sign-in for COVID-19 tracing

Both guests during regular working hours, and during city council meetings will be tracked

  • Aug. 26, 2020 12:00 a.m.

When members of the public interact with Quesnel City Hall, there will be a new step involved.

The city has started a contact tracing program. Any guests will be asked to sign in before interacting inside the hall.

City manager Byron Johnston said the new requirements are on top of other COVID-19 prevention measures.

“Of course they’re required to use hand sanitizer and social distance, but we’ve been doing that for a long time,” he said. “The only difference is that we’re tracing everyone who comes into our council meetings.”

READ MORE: Quesnel to resume in-person council meetings July 7

The provincial government set out new requirement for gatherings Aug. 7.

The sign in is front and centre as people enter the lobby. Any meetings during regular business hours will have sign-ins at the front desk.

Johnston said it was a measure the city hopes it doesn’t have to use.

“They just had an issue down in Enderby not too long ago,” he said. “Their city hall is back in isolation, but so far we’ve had nothing here, knock on wood.”

READ MORE: Quesnel City Hall to reopen June 1

Do you have something to add to this story, or something else we should report on? Email: cassidy.dankochik@quesnelobserver.com


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