Nurse with stethoscope

Nurse with stethoscope

Quesnel health nurses now primary care nurses

Health and Community Care team to include several departments

The Eileen Ramsay Building on Reid Street will no longer serve as Quesnel Public Health Centre.

In a move that has been in the planning stages for two years and completed Nov. 6, the 17 registered nurses working from the facility will relocate to G.R. Baker Memorial Hospital.

They are now part of the Home and Community Care team working out of the hospital and the former public health nurses are now primary care nurses.

Altogether, the team consists of 58 primary care nurses plus support staff, and they cover a broad range of services including existing hospital-based services, such as mental health.

Health Services manager Debbie Strang says she recognizes there will be adjustments to the new team, but she was confident they will work out the bugs as they surface.

“Locating all the services together will facilitate training and development, and as for the community, they can now get all their services in one place. It’s one-stop-shopping.”

This team is also mobile, she adds, delivering services in the community as well as at the hospital.

There will be a primary care nurse assigned to each of Quesnel’s medical clinics for various services.

The team is located in the old Quesst Unit, with clinical space on the main floor and office space on the second floor.

As for the Eileen Ramsay Building, Strang says it will be converted for use by Northern Health’s regional personnel.

Quesnel Cariboo Observer