12-year-old Ehlana Williams was immunized on Friday, May 28. She attends Red Bluff Elementary. (Northern Health submitted photo)

Quesnel Red Bluff Elementary student first 12-year-old to be vaccinated

Ehlana Williams is encouraging everyone to get vaccinated as soon as possible

  • May. 28, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Submitted by Northern Health

The first 12-year-old to be vaccinated in Quesnel is excited to visit family. Ehlana Williams got the shot on Friday, May 28. She attends Red Bluff Elementary and shared why she wanted to get vaccinated.

“My step-mom told us this morning that we were allowed to come down without an appointment, so my brother and I came down today,” she said. “My parents told me that once we all get it, I can see my family sooner and do the things that COVID is restricting.”

VIDEO: Arena 2 vaccination clinic opens with drumming, singing, smudging

Williams added she hopes to visit her step-mom’s mother and grandparents living in New Brunswick.

As the COVID-19 vaccine roll-out continues through Northern Health, we are seeing community members of all ages attend the clinics to receive a dose of the vaccine that can protect those they love and the general public.

The response we’re seeing in our communities is reassuring; it’s creating hope in people that we haven’t seen in a while. It’s the hope that they will be able to go back to a sense of normalcy that hasn’t been seen in quite some time but will, most likely, not resemble anything like life was in 2019.

We watch as our children discover a strength and resiliency that they never needed before but we also watch as they step up and realize a sense of community to do what they can for their neighbours, family, friends and often strangers. We are raising the next generation to be compassionate and kind in a time where it is needed more than ever.

Williams is also looking forward to connecting with friends outside of school.

“Sleepover at my friends’, I miss doing that,” Williams said. “I’m glad that I get to see them in school but I miss having sleepovers.”

As many of us adults struggle with the direction of the world, our children are stepping up to the plate.

“It didn’t even hurt! It feels like a tiny mosquito bite,” Williams said. “And it’s better for us in the long run to get it – if you think about it too long, it can stress you out, just come get it.”

The Quesnel COVID-19 clinic staff want to thank all of the community for the amazing response and support that they have provided to us all. Patients like Elhana are the reason we are here every day working towards ensuring that we all stay safe. We look forward to a future where our children will be leading within our community.

READ MORE: B.C. workers now eligible for 3 hours of paid leave to get COVID-19 immunization

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