Quesnel schools closed starting Monday

All Quesnel public schools are closed for three days starting Monday, following strike action.

All public Quesnel schools are closed and buses are not running, starting Monday following teacher strike action.

The strike is expected to last three days.

School District 28 received notice from the British Columbia Teachers’ Federation and the Quesnel District Teachers’ Association Thursday full strike action would commence March 5.

Education Minister George Abbott said Thursday it is up to teachers whether they refuse to work for one, two or three days next week. Adding schools will be open, and it’s up to parents if they want to send children to school, he said.

However SD28 has chosen to close its doors during strike action.

“During the strike schools will be closed and buses will not run,” a letter from SD28 superintendent of schools, Sue-Ellen Miller reads.

“The district would not be able to ensure student safety without student support.”



Quesnel Cariboo Observer