Quesnel to receive $100K from Gas Tax Fund

Money slated for Integrated community sustainability planning

Quesnel is to receive $100,000 from Canada’s Gas Tax Fund upon completion of its integrated community sustainability planning (ICSP.)

City Planner Tanya Turner said Quesnel receives gas tax dollars from the federal government and part of that agreement was a commitment to complete ICSP. The $100,000 (which is additional to other gas tax dollars Quesnel receives) will flow to the city once that project is completed.

“This money will also, in part, be used to implement initiatives which result from the planning process,” Turner added.

“While waiting for these funds, we’ve already identified our intended process of moving forward to ensure the planning dollars flow more quickly into actions.

“The intent is not to have another study on the shelf.”

In total, 22 communities in B.C. shared in more than $3.7 million from Canada’s Gas Tax Fund with the intent to support long-term infrastructure planning.

The Honourable Denis Lebel, Minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Communities said investing in local infrastructure creates local jobs and economic growth.

“The Gas Tax Fund delivers stable, predictable funding that provides communities with flexibility to choose their own infrastructure priorities,” he said.

“By providing greater certainty for long-term planning and local infrastructure renewal, the Gas Tax Fund is helping to strengthen communities across British Columbia and lay the foundation for a bright and prosperous future in Canada.”

The projects supported through this funding address a broad range of strategic priorities, including growth management, community energy planning and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.

“Local governments across B.C. have a strong foundation in planning and this component of the Gas Tax Fund provides the opportunity to advance sustainability as it pertains to environmental, cultural, social and economic dimensions,” B.C. Minister of Community, Sport and Cultural Development Ida Chong said.

Canada’s Gas Tax Fund provides stable, long-term funding to local governments and other organizations to help them build and revitalize public infrastructure.

This Infrastructure Canada program primarily supports capital projects such as local roads, public transit, energy systems and waste management infrastructure that lead to cleaner air, cleaner water or reduced greenhouse gas emissions.

The Union of British Columbia Municipalities (UBCM) administers the Gas Tax Fund in B.C. in collaboration with Canada and British Columbia.

On Dec. 15, 2011 the Government of Canada passed legislation to make the Gas Tax Fund a permanent annual investment of $2 million.

“There have been significant advancements to sustainable planning practices in recent years,” UBCM president Heath Slee said.

“The Gas Tax Fund is helping communities take advantage of these improved tools as they design the communities in which we live.”

Quesnel Cariboo Observer