This year’s edition of the Amazing Race had contestants off balance with a variety of activities. Clockwise from top, walking the plank while seeing double with special goggles; searching for special bottle corks, changing tires on an ATV, pretending to rescue a baby, hauling water and above all, smiling.

This year’s edition of the Amazing Race had contestants off balance with a variety of activities. Clockwise from top, walking the plank while seeing double with special goggles; searching for special bottle corks, changing tires on an ATV, pretending to rescue a baby, hauling water and above all, smiling.

Quesnel’s Amazing Race, amazing….again.

Quesnel’s Amazing Racers collected $6,200 this year, bringing the three-year total to more than $26,000.

Saturday morning, 16 teams raced around Quesnel for the third annual Quesnel Amazing Race.

Quesnel’s Amazing Racers collected $6,200 this year, bringing the three-year total to more than $26,000.

Saturday morning, 16 teams raced around Quesnel for the third annual Quesnel Amazing Race.

The race, a fundraiser for the Canadian Cancer Society (CCS) and the Quesnel and District Hospice Palliative Care Association (QDHPCA), started at 9 a.m. at LeBourdais Park.

Each team had to complete eight tasks at locations between the park and the airport.

Teams received clues leading them to different businesses and Quesnel landmarks including the farmer’s market and the Richbar golf course.

“We look for activities in and around Quesnel that people have seen, may have heard about, but may not have tried,” Cathy Briggs, co-organizer of the event, said.

The race had teams lead a horse through an obstacle course, walk the plank and do some blindfolded golfing.

Each location had an activity for the teams, which they had to complete in order to receive the next clue and move on.

The fastest team, En-Vy finished the race in just over two hours.

Planning for this year’s amazing race began in February.

It involved “talking about ideas, making plans and contacting volunteers,” Briggs explained. 

The two organizations who put this event on, CCS and QDHPCA, have a long history together.

Many years ago, they started the Frank Cushman Memorial Trail Ride.

The event ran annually for 13 years.

When it ended, the organizations wanted to continue to have an event together.

“I heard of other communities holding something similar and we wanted to give it a try,” Briggs said.

“It is loosely based on the television show, except we don’t send teams all over the world and there are no life threatening activities.”

Briggs and Judy Monych of the QDHPCA have already started planning next year’s race.

“We are already thinking of activities we couldn’t include this year,” Briggs said excitedly.

Top fundraisers were Jason Schweitzer and Candice MacKenzie, raising more than $1,000.

Quesnel Cariboo Observer