Quick response douses Spallumcheen grass fire

A fast response and help from Mother Nature prevented a Spallumcheen grass fire from getting out of hand Thursday

A fast response and help from Mother Nature prevented a Spallumcheen grass fire from getting out of hand Thursday.

The Armstrong Spallumcheen Fire Department was called to a property in the 4800 block of Back Enderby Road shortly before 2 p.m.

“The fire was contained to about half an acre, and it got into the trees as well,” said Armstrong Spallumcheen fire chief Ian Cummings. “We had quick response and got lucky that Mother Nature played a big role as there was no wind when we got there.”

No structures on the property were damaged and nobody was home at the time of the fire.

What started the fire is unknown and the incident is under investigation.


Vernon Morning Star