Quilted bags for Women’s Centre

Cariboo Calico Quilters donate quilted handbags for women in need

The Cariboo Calico Quilters’ donated 24 quilted handbags to the 100 Mile House & District Women’s Centre on Dec. 10, CCQ member Bev French says, adding the office staff was delighted to receive the bags.

Noting the CCQ has made and donated handbags to the Women’s Centre many times in the past, French says the quilters fill them with personal items for the women, including shampoo, soap, toothbrushes, toothpaste, food, toiletries and “just about everything we can think of that they can use.”

She adds the staff repacks the bags with what the recipient’s needs are for her particular situation.

The quilters start making the bags in November.

“We usually take a couple of days to work on them as a group and then some take them home to finish them or do extra bags.”

French says they used a different pattern this year – something more stylish with “pleats and darts.” They’re lined, and they can be used as a purse or a shoulder bag.

“It’s a nice project for us knowing it’s going to women. It’s women helping women – that’s what I like. I just love the Women Centre for all they do.”


100 Mile House Free Press