Radium council receives donation for community hall

Radium Council looks at Parks Canada work at last Council meeting

With work being done throughout the Kootenay National Park and the Radium Hot Springs pools, it’s no surprise that council received an update on the project from Parks Canada at their regular meeting on Wednesday, May 24th.

Travis Wert, asset manager IV for Parks Canada, discussed the upgrades being done to the both the pools and Sinclair Canyon. Although the pools and the park are separate enterprises, Wert highlighted the scope of the project to councillors Todd Logan, Tyler McCauley, Ron Verboom, and Mike Gray.

Currently under construction at the pools is a café renovation which is near completion according to Wert. However, it will remain closed until the roof replacement is complete. Wert stated the roof is expected to be completed by the end of June. Behind the scenes upgrades to the pool mechanical system are being done to make the system more efficient.

Wert touched on the outside structural updates including the wheelchair access which was condemned earlier in the year. Since being condemned no alternative wheelchair access has been set up, Wert said. This was due to the temporary repair costs exceeding their expectations, so they elected to not install a temporary wheelchair access.

Big changes will be happening throughout the summer in Sinclair Canyon as Parks begins their $4.5 million repair project. Changes to the canyon will include repairs to curbs and gates as well as improvements to the retaining wall.

“Most noticeable thing will be the lighting but from a safety side that retaining wall is principle,” said Wert.

Parks Canada will be adding lighting on the sidewalks throughout the canyon making it safer for pedestrians walking from the village to the hot pools.

“We appreciate the lighting that’s going on the sidewalks,” said Verboom.

Council received word that the village has received a donation of lumber at an estimated value of $55,000 from Canfor for the new community hall.

“We’re pretty excited to have a donation from Canfor for the new community hall,” stated Verboom.

He went on to say “that’s awesome, that’s really good community involvement for sure.” Council then moved on to discuss their summer schedule committing to once month meetings in July and August with dates set for Wednesday, July 19th and Wednesday, August 16th.

Invermere Valley Echo