Rail trail shut down

Rail trail shut down

As of Tuesday, construction will close the trail from one kilometre south of Kickwillie Loop in Coldstream to Kekuli Bay Provincial Park

Okanagan Rail Trail enthusiasts are hitting a dead end.

Construction is underway which has the trail closed from one kilometre south of Kickwillie Loop in Coldstream all the way to Oyama.

“It could be closed for months,” said Keith Pinkoski, Greater Vernon Advisory Committee parks manager.

Depending on weather, it’s possible that section of the corridor could be shut down until spring as rock scaling and earth work takes place to develop the trail to a basic standard.

The closure is needed to reduce the risk to the public.

“You can’t go there. There will be heavy equipment,” said director Bob Fleming.

Beyond this, GVAC will hold a visioning session to determine what amenities are needed along the trail, such as washrooms, signage, garbage cans and fencing.

“We need the planning started sooner than later for the (2018) budget process,” said director Jim Garlick.

“How do we best provide for the users and residents around it?”

However, there are some concerns about the potential costs involved.

“We have to be careful about managing expectations. Someone may want a washroom every 100 metres,” said director Mike Macnabb.

Vernon Morning Star