Rail Trails Tourism Strategy workshops

If you're interested in the rail trail network, consider attending a workshop or completing an online survey.

  • Aug. 24, 2015 9:00 a.m.

Are you interested in the regional rail trail network and creating an internationally export-ready tourism product?

Workshops and an online survey will be offered for the Thompson Okanagan Regional Rail Trails Tourism Strategy.

Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association (TOTA) in association with Destination BC, Recreation Sites and Trails BC, Trails BC, Trans Canada Trail Society, B.C. Cycling Coalition and Cyclo Touring B.C. Program, is pleased to announce workshop dates for the Thompson Okanagan Regional Rail Trails Tourism Strategy.

This strategy, scheduled to be complete by October 2015, will assist the regional rail trail network in creating an internationally export-ready tourism product and will further advance the goals presented in the 10-year Regional Tourism Strategy Embracing Our Potential (totabc.org/corporateSite/regional-strategy).

The centerpiece of this trails strategy will be the Kettle Valley / Columbia and Western Railway rail trails routes that form the basis of the Trans Canada Trail (TCT) through the Thompson Okanagan region.

This process is being led by TOTA with support Destination British Columbia (DBC).

If you cannot attend a workshop, consider completing the online survey (surveymonkey.com/r/CHC9PVX).

Choose which location you can attend and RSVP by Friday, Aug 28 via email to research@totabc.com. Two workshops will be held in the Boundary:

Christina Lake: Tuesday, Sept. 1, 10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
at Christina Lake Welcome Centre
at Hwy 3, 1675 Kimura Road, Christina Lake.

Midway: Tuesday, Sept. 1, 3 -5 p.m.
at the Community Hall
at 692 Seventh Ave., Midway.

The project contact is Ellen Walker-Matthews, experiences development specialist,
phoen 250-860-5999 ext 215 or email experiences@totabc.com.

Grand Forks Gazette