Rain reduces fire risk this season

Rain reduces fire risk this season

Far fewer fires this spring due to rainfall

Before complaining too much about the rain, take a moment to consider the alternative.

This time last year, there had already been 57 fires and 774 hectares of forest burnt across B.C. In the Kamloops Fire Centre, which encompasses the Central Okanagan, the same period saw 11 fires that burned up 121 hectares.

As of today, conditions are more soggy than smoky.

There have only been 15 fires across B.C. and they’ve burned up 44 hectares.

In the Kamloops Fire Centre this year, there have only been three fires with 10 hectares burnt.

Whether that means there will be a fire-free summer, however, remains to be seen said Max Birkner, fire information officer.

“That’s always the question, and it’s hard to predict,” said Birkner.

In the long-term forecast, he said, it looks like it will be a rainier and warmer start to summer.

Once the heat sets in, the nature of wildfire season takes shape.

“It only takes a few days for the fuel to dry out,” said Birkner.

Environment Canada meteorologist Alyssa Charbonneau, said while there has been rain throughout the Okanagan it’s not abnormal for this time of year.

The daily record for rainfall in the Central Okanagan April 13 is 12.7 mm, and today there was only 5.3 mm.

In the South Okanagan there was a record broken. At least 12.2 mm of rain fell by midday Thursday and their record is 11.4 mm, set back in 1992.

Penticton Western News