Coldstream’s first rainbow crosswalk is on Kalamalka Road at Kal Beach. (Morning Star file photo)

Coldstream’s first rainbow crosswalk is on Kalamalka Road at Kal Beach. (Morning Star file photo)

Rainbow colours spark dispute

Coldstream's rainbow crosswalk has some politicians seeing red.

Coldstream’s rainbow crosswalk has some politicians seeing red.

Councillors Glen Taylor and Peter McClean blasted the multi-coloured crosswalk at Kal Beach during a committee of the whole meeting Tuesday.

“I’m really disappointed with the end result,” said Taylor.

“It looks unfinished with the way it’s staggered. It could have been properly aligned.”

However, Michael Baker, director of infrastructure services, says the crosswalk is angled to miss the concrete curb on one side of Kalamalka Road.

Baker will ask the contractor if changes can be made to the crosswalk structure but he doesn’t believe that’s possible.

“It’s a permanent fixture until we replace it,” he said.

Concerns about the crosswalk also came from McClean.

“The colours are so dull. It’s flat,” he said.

But McClean’s comments were refuted by Coun. Doug Dirk.

“This is a road that gets driven on. They will be muted over time,” he said.

Mayor Jim Garlick also came to the defense of the rainbow crosswalk and the municipality’s goal of being inclusive.

“I think the crosswalk looks good. I’m happy with it,” he said.

The total cost of the project was $11,000 but only $7,000 of that is attributed to the rainbow colours as other necessary infrastructure work needed to be done.

Vernon Morning Star