Members of the Charles Hays Secondary School Interact club have been writing, filming, producing and broadcasting Rainmakers Now, which started as a community service project during COVID-19. The current affairs program airs its 50th episode May 7. The goal is broadcast 100 episodes. (Photo supplied by Rainmakers Interact Club)

Members of the Charles Hays Secondary School Interact club have been writing, filming, producing and broadcasting Rainmakers Now, which started as a community service project during COVID-19. The current affairs program airs its 50th episode May 7. The goal is broadcast 100 episodes. (Photo supplied by Rainmakers Interact Club)

Rainmakers Now spotlighted during COVID-19

Student broadcast reaches longevity milestone with 50th episode

  • May. 7, 2020 12:00 a.m.

The milestone 50th episode of Rainmakers Now, a current affairs program launched by the Interact Club at Charles Hays Secondary School will be broadcast on May 7. The goal of the club is to produce and air 100 episodes of the news-magazine styled show.

What started as a community service project for the high school club, during the COVID-19 pandemic, has now brought together students and community members, with more than 300 viewers of the daily broadcast on a regular basis.

The Interact Club is dedicated to bettering the community through different initiatives, and this is just one of them, Aidan Murphy-Morven, club president said.

READ MORE: WATCH: Charles Hays Secondary students switch it up at Freaky Friday

More than 20 students participate by planning episodes in post production meetings, to discuss upcoming topics, filming and editing. Students have been practising the proper social distancing throughout by sending in their work electronically to meet daily deadlines.

“(Jobs) are always dispersed throughout the members of our club… Each segment has to be uploaded and ready to go by 6pm,” Murphy-Morven said.

The students in the club are learning as they go. Video production, broadcast, and media subjects are not part of the current curriculum offered. Each episode is assembled from contributions filmed in students’ homes and via webcam calls.

“Deadlines are tight, there have been some instances where people have had connection issues, or the dropbox link doesn’t work, so we’ve had to skip over a couple of things. But, after the episode airs we always upload on our website a final copy.”

“It’s a great experience for all of us to really know how tv shows run and broadcast. Having that responsibility as well, everyone has been doing really good so far. I’m really impressed and proud of the Interact Club.”

“We are dedicated to helping others while practicing social distancing,” Murphy-Morven said, “Whether it’s offering practical help or light-hearted inspiration. With all the disruptions we’re experiencing, including the switch to remote education, working on Rainmakers Now has provided valuable structure for our days and a sense of shared accomplishment.”

READ MORE: Heart of Our City: It was a “bon voyage” for Aidan Murphy-Morven

The media production has showcased more than 80 individuals, including regular contributors and special guests, such as Taylor Bachrach, Member of Parliament, and Good Times Games proprietor Rob Gruber. Both guests described the impacts of COVID-19 on the region’s political and economic landscape. The May 7th broadcast will feature Prince Rupert Mayor, Lee Brian.

“We wanted to find a meaningful way to serve residents of Prince Rupert and Port Edward. For our own safety and that of our families, many students are self-quarantined at home. But using the Internet and the power of creativity, anyone can be a part of Rainmakers Now,” Murphy-Morven said.

The Interact Club and its dedicated students are currently working on two other community initiatives with a grocery delivery program that has been utilized numerous times, as well as baking goods for the Prince Rupert Seniors Centre.


K-J Millar | Journalist 

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