Rally against Oak Bay deer cull Saturday

DeerSafe says some homeowners have offered their property to trap deer

DeerSafe Victoria, a group against the deer cull, is making claims Oak Bay residents have offered up their properties to allow the trapping of deer before they are killed, but the district’s new chief administrative officer is unaware of any such offers.

In a press release sent out Friday, the group claims: “The Oak Bay Staff Report claims that some Oak Bay residents have already come forward to offer their land to the clover traps. Other residents are very concerned that these traps could end up next door to them, without council seeking their permission, or prior warning.”

“I haven’t written a staff report that says that,” district CAO Helen Koning said. She took over the position in early November. “I’m not sure if it may have been written before I started.”

Neither DeerSafe contact person, Kelly Carson or Mayor Nils Jensen returned Oak Bay News phone calls by the end of day Friday (Nov. 22).

DeerSafe is holding a rally on Saturday, Nov. 23 against the deer cull. The group will meet at 12 p.m. on the grass of the “Welcome to Oak Bay” sign and will then walk to city hall along Oak Bay Avenue. Anyone interested in protesting the cull is welcome to join the peaceful demonstration.

Last week, the majority of Oak Bay council voted in favour of a deer cull to be run by the Capital Regional District. Approximately 25 deer will be trapped and killed with a bolt gun.

Victoria News