Ranch gravel pit rankles residents

Some residents neighbouring a Lavington gravel pit are once again kicking up dust over the operation.

The Rosebush gravel pit in Lavington, owned and operated by Coldstream Ranch, is creating concerns around noise, dust and compliance for residents on Buchanan Road (which borders the ranch pit).

“When I moved here 14 years ago it was a very small gravel pit,” said Larry Duncan, whose property neighbours the pit.

Now, Duncan says, not only has the pit grown, but the work, with its accompanying noise and dust, has increased.

“When I speak of dust I’m talking about health issues,” said Duncan, adding that he often sees crews working five to seven days a week.

While the ranch is removing gravel from the pit, it is also keen to improve the agricultural ability of the land.

“Our long-term approach is improving the land of the area,” said Ted Osborn, director of projects for Coldstream Ranch.

Resident Jeff Mellows also spoke out against the operation, which he says wakes him up early in the morning and then continues late into the evening.

Mellows questions whether the reclamation work the ranch is doing will ever be completed without some recourse.

Since the land is agricultural, the work being done is approved and regulated by the Agricultural Land Commission.

“We do know that the ALC, sadly, has no teeth,” said Mellows. “The ALC is powerless.”

Therefore he is urging Coldstream council to take matters into its own hands.

“This council can put a bond on it.”

Coldstream council will be reviewing the issue at its April 11 council meeting.



Vernon Morning Star