Ranchero to go to Grade 8?

The idea of converting Ranchero Elementary to a K-Grade 8 school will form part of a review by the school district

The idea of converting Ranchero Elementary to a K-Grade 8 school will form part of a review by the school district of the catchment areas in Enderby, Grindrod and Ranchero.

Trustees voted to proceed with a review, which will consider the issue of under-capacity schools at Grindrod and Ranchero contrasted with M.V. Beattie Elementary. That school is over capacity and is the only area in the school district with some projected growth in enrolment numbers.

While Grindrod Elementary had been suggested for closure as part of the school district’s long-term facilities plan, that idea was rejected in favour of looking at redistribution.

Moving Ranchero to a K-8 configuration was favoured by some trustees.

“By doing that, we would get rid of one bus run, which would save us money and alleviate the situation we have now where some students spend over an hour on the bus,” said trustee Debbie Evans.

It was also noted that the conversion to K to Grade 8, from the current K to Grade 7 model would provide another option for Salmon Arm parents, who might wish to move their children out of the large Shuswap Middle School.

“It would be another option for kids because, as we know, bigger is not always better for everyone,” commented trustee Chris Coers.

No timeline was given on the motion. Information will be gathered and then the board will discuss it.


Salmon Arm Observer