Random Acts

Thomas Haney Grade 9 students head out in Maple Ridge spreading cheer.

  • May. 2, 2015 7:00 p.m.
Isabelle McMyn (left) and Kelsey Holland were among 50 students in the Random Acts of Kindness Club from Thomas Haney secondary who walked downtown Maple Ridge on Monday, handing out balloons. Students in the three-year-old club range from grades 8 to 12. The club’s goal is to spread kindness through small gestures to promote positive community spirit in the school,city and the world. The students gave out more than 300 balloons. 

Isabelle McMyn (left) and Kelsey Holland were among 50 students in the Random Acts of Kindness Club from Thomas Haney secondary who walked downtown Maple Ridge on Monday, handing out balloons. Students in the three-year-old club range from grades 8 to 12. The club’s goal is to spread kindness through small gestures to promote positive community spirit in the school,city and the world. The students gave out more than 300 balloons. 

Maple Ridge News