RCMP and search and rescue teams ask public to plan ahead before an outdoor adventure

A lack of planning can get a person stuck in a dicey situation in the back-country

RCMP and search and rescue teams experienced a record-setting number of calls last summer and hope people will be better prepared heading outdoors in 2021. (RCMP photo)

As hikers and outdoor enthusiasts start pushing further into the back country and waterways of the upper Fraser Valley, the RCMP, local search and rescue (SAR) teams and AdventureSmart ask them to prepare ahead so they can be safe at the end.

While police conduct enhanced summer patrols of forestry roads, lakes and parks, over the past three years there has still been a steady increase in calls from people needing help.

“Preparation and staying within the limits of your skill and experience are recommended to have a safe and enjoyable hiking experience,” said RCMP spokesperson Cpl. Mike Rail.

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The natural beauty of the wilderness can be dangerous, and Doug Fraser from Chilliwack Search and Rescue said it’s essential to research the location you’re heading to, pre-plan and be properly equipped for the trip you are taking into the backcountry.”

Make sure you carry appropriate gear for varying conditions, as changes to the weather and terrain may be sudden.

“Planning, preparation and carrying the proper equipment is essential before embarking on any backcountry activity,” said Neil Brewer of Kent Harrison SAR.

“Weather conditions change quickly in the back country,” added Noelle Hartt of Hope SAR. “Ensure you have a pre-plan, are properly dressed and equipped for your hike.”

AdventureSmart provides three Ts for a safe backcountry adventure — Trip planning, training and taking the essentials.

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