RCMP ask for public feedback following Koocanusa crackdown

The RCMP say that the feedback they have received following their crackdown over May long weekend has been positive.

  • May. 25, 2012 7:00 p.m.

The RCMP say that the feedback they have received from South Country residents following their crackdown on anti social behaviour over May long weekend has been positive.

Cpl. Don Erichsen said the objective was to keep people safe and happy during the long weekend, and this was achieved.

“Residents in the Koocanusa area are telling us things were a lot quieter this year,” he said.

“”Having said that there were moments over the weekend I felt like we were losing the battle, and other moments I felt like we were doing OK.

“We are currently assessing the project and consulting with the other involved groups to see what results we get.”

Cpl. Erichsen asked for the public to give feedback to help with the assessment.

“We would really like to know how people think we did, and how we can do better,” he said.

So far, the RCMP are able to tell The Free Press that one man was charged with impaired driving, and another with possession of a stolen vehicle, there were several drug seizures, a lot of litter tickets issued and fire ban tickets, and one man was charged with mischief after he fell asleep on train tracks and was run over by a coal train (see The Free Press this week for the front page story or click here.)


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