Residents in the San Pareil community woke up Monday morning (March 29) to find an escaped herd of cattle roaming the streets from a nearby farm. (Kate Jennings photo)

RCMP beef up patrols to help wrangle wayward cattle in San Pareil neighbourhood

Animals milked newfound freedom before morning roundup

  • Mar. 30, 2021 12:00 a.m.

It was an a-moo-sing Monday morning in the community of San Pareil.

During the night, approximately 12 cattle escaped from a farmer’s corral and milked their newfound freedom by taking a stroll around their neighbourhood near Parksville.

One resident, Jeet Mann, was able to capture footage from his doorbell camera of one such beefy visitor, just before 2 a.m. on Monday.

Kate Jennings, another resident of the neighbourhood, confirmed the cattle were eventually rounded up with the help of police, by 8:30 a.m.

She said she wasn’t aware of the great escape until after checking the neighbourhood’s community Facebook group and seeing pictures of cattle on her own lawn.

READ MORE: PHOTOS: Wayward buffalo pays visit to B.C. schoolyard

“They were all very quiet. They were right on our lawn and we didn’t even hear them. I just thought it was so funny. No one was really worried about them because they were so tame,” she said.

Jennings said the cattle did not damage her property, but she anticipates collecting cow patties from her lawn in the near future.

She believes the cattle are new to the area, since she hasn’t noticed them in the five years she’s lived there.

Cpl. Jesse Foreman of the Oceanside RCMP confirmed to PQB News that several cows and at least one bull escaped through a gate from their owner’s property. An officer attended and assisted with wrangling the cattle back to their property.

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Residents in the San Pareil community woke up Monday morning (March 29) to find an escaped herd of cattle roaming the streets from a nearby farm. (Kate Jennings photo)