RCMP cracking down on anglers

Parking on highway should could lead to a towed vehicle

Anglers flocking to the banks of the Fraser River are being warned not to park along highway shoulders.

Since the sockeye salmon fishery opened this month, Hope RCMP has received several complaints about vehicles parked on the sides of Highways 1 and 7.

“Ultimately public safety is the biggest issue and if the vehicles are parked in such a manner that causes traffic or safety issues, then we’ll have to take the appropriate action which could consist of tickets or towing of vehicles,” said Staff Sgt. Bruce Anderson.

“We’re doing constant patrols of the area to make sure everybody is abiding by the rules and regulations.”

Section 189.1 of the Motor Vehicle Act authorizes police to tow a vehicle if it’s parked in a designated no parking zone, unless there’s an emergency situation.

Even if there’s no signage, a vehicle impeding the flow of traffic can still be towed, under section 188.1.

A police officer does not have to be present either. If a complaint is received, and a vehicle is in a no parking zone, Anderson said police can send a tow truck out immediately.

“This has been an ongoing issue for years and we will be sending a strong message that if you’re parked in an illegal spot, you’ll be dealt with accordingly as per the Motor Vehicle Act,” he added.

“We just want everybody to be safe. We don’t want to impede on your fishing, but having said that you can’t impede on the traffic flow either.”

Hope Standard