Nanaimo RCMP thought they were investigating a break-in and found a beaver on Wednesday night on Sun Valley Drive. JESSICA BOYD photo

Nanaimo RCMP thought they were investigating a break-in and found a beaver on Wednesday night on Sun Valley Drive. JESSICA BOYD photo

RCMP discover beaver the culprit in break-and-enter attempt

Nanaimo RCMP responded to a 911 call on Sun Valley Drive on Wednesday night

  • Apr. 20, 2018 12:00 a.m.

Nanaimo RCMP thought they were investigating a break-in and found a beaver.

Police responded in force Wednesday at about 10:30 p.m. to a report of a possible break-and-enter in progress following a 911 call from a panicked resident on Sun Valley Drive.

Upon arriving on scene, officers immediately set up containment of the area and, not knowing what they might be walking into, approached the home with caution, physically and mentally prepared to meet whatever awaited them. But what they found wasn’t exactly what they were expecting.

The source of the caller’s fears, it turned out, was a full-grown beaver that waddled out when police commanded the suspect to reveal himself.

The situation was concluded without incident when the animal continued across and was last seen waddling southbound, presumably for more beaver-friendly environs.

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