RCMP hand out tickets, driving suspensions, fines

RCMP hand out tickets, driving suspensions, fines

Police and safety agencies from up and down the Island gathered in the Cowichan Valley on July 10, for an evening of Counterattack roadside check stops.

Officers checked out about 2,500 vehicles at two different locations in what became an expensive night for some motorists.

One 90-day immediate roadside prohibition was issued. That citation includes a 30-day vehicle impoundment.

Three other drivers got three-day immediate roadside prohibitions which include three-day vehicle impoundments.

Cops also gave one driver a 24-hour drug related suspension and another driver, who sported an ‘N’ a 12-hour alcohol-related suspension.

All suspended drivers will have to apply to have their licence reinstated after they pay hefty fines upwards of $500.

They are also on the hook for the tow bill and the subsequent storage bill for their vehicle.

Several other motorists were issued violation tickets under various sections of the Motor Vehicle Act and one excessive speeder who was caught travelling more than 40 kilometres per hour above the posted speed limit, was ticketed, and had his vehicle towed away and impounded for seven days.

“All in all it was a very costly Friday evening for some Cowichan Valley motorists, but it’s only money,” Hobday said. “The toll on a family that loses a family member to a drunk driver cannot be measured.”

Cowichan Valley Citizen