RCMP kept busy on Halloween

Clear skies and mild weather over the weekend prompts 60 calls

With Halloween falling on both a Friday and a clear, mild night this year, West Shore RCMP were kept busy well into the wee hours of Nov. 1.

The detachment received 60 calls for service from around the five municipalities between early afternoon on the 31st until 7 a.m. Saturday.

Calls ranged in severity, with the majority involving liquor intoxication, disturbing the peace and causing mischief, though RCMP did locate one youth with a firearm in Langford. Officers resolved the situation with the young man without complication, said Cpl. Kathy Rochlitz.

The busy night was somewhat expected with the weekend and good weather taken into account, she said.

“Sixty calls for service is definitely more than normal. It’s the same scenario if New Year’s falls on a weekend. More people decide to hold a party or go out.”


Goldstream News Gazette