The RCMP is asking the Cowichan Valley Regional District to allow a temporary communications shelter to be set up in Shawnigan Lake in an effort to improve the police’s communications in the area. (File photo)

RCMP look to set up communications shelter in Shawnigan Lake area

Project would improve RCMP's communications in area

The RCMP is looking to set up a temporary radio communications shelter in Old Baldy Mountain Park, near Shawnigan Lake.

The Cowichan Valley Regional District’s electoral service’s committee recommended to the board at its meeting on July 21 to allow the RCMP to install the shelter at the existing telecommunications site in Old Baldy Mountain Park for a period of six months, beginning Aug. 1.

A staff report by Merrick Grieder, the CVRD’s emergency telecommunications coordinator, said the RCMP have been dealing with a number of radio communications challenges in the area in and around Shawnigan Lake, leading to operational challenges and safety issues for RCMP members in the performance of their duties.


He said that, in concert with the CVRD, the RCMP Island District Radio Program has identified the telecommunications site in the park as a location suitable for establishing a radio communications shelter to augment the existing RCMP radio system on a temporary basis.

“A six-month test will allow the RCMP to test, operate and determine the long-term viability of the site with their radio system,” Grieder said.

“The telecommunications site in the park currently hosts a large radio tower and two telecommunications buildings to support commercial cellular operations. The addition of a radio communications shelter will have minimal impact at the telecommunication site and will require no services or new construction. Concurrence of the existing primary telecommunications lease holder (Telus) has been secured by the RCMP to occupy the site.”


Grieder said, should the site prove successful in their efforts to improve radio communications in the Shawnigan Lake area, it’s anticipated that the RCMP will seek authorization from the CVRD to establish it as an ongoing site for a radio communications shelter to serve their coverage needs in the Shawnigan Lake area.

“Should the RCMP determine that the site does not meet their needs at the end of the six-month temporary period, the radio repeater shelter would be removed,” he said.

“All costs associated with installation and operation of the temporary radio communications shelter would be the responsibility of the RCMP.”

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Cowichan Valley Citizen