RCMP make six drug arrests

Cranbrook/Kimberley Crime Reduction Unit busy over the weekend.

  • Mar. 2, 2015 2:00 p.m.

On Friday, February 27th, 2015, investigators from the Cranbrook/Kimberley Crime Reduction Unit along with officers from the Cranbrook Detachment and the Police Dog Service executed a search warrant at a Cranbrook residence.

As a result of the search, marihuana and morphine as well as paraphernalia associated to drug trafficking were located and seized.   In addition to the drugs, police located and seized several weapons from the residence.

Three people were located at the residence when police arrived to execute the search warrant.  All three were arrested and lodged in Cranbrook RCMP cells.  All three suspects are facing charges in relation to drug trafficking and one of the subjects is also facing breach of probation charges for being in possession of a weapon when prohibited.

Two of the subjects were released on a promise to appear for a future court date with the third subject being held to appear before a Judicial Justice of the Peace.

On Saturday, February 28th, 2015, as a result of information received, investigators from the Cranbrook/Kimberley Crime Reduction Unit along assistance from Cranbrook Detachment initiated an investigation into certain persons believed to be involved in drug trafficking.

As a result, 3 individuals were arrested and a vehicle seized.  During the subsequent search of those arrested and their vehicle police located and seized heroin, cocaine and what is believed to be methamphetamines. Also seized were baggies used for trafficking of drugs as well as a quantity of counterfeit American money.

Two of the three individuals were released on a promise to appear for a future court date with the third subject being held in custody to attend court in Cranbrook on Monday morning.

Police have retained the vehicle as offence related property and are considering an application to have the vehicle forfeited through provisions of the British Columbia Civil Forfeiture Act.


Cranbrook Daily Townsman