Police looking for a 2005 grey Honda Civic in case of missing B.C. father and daughter

Man believed to be evading contact may be driving a 2005 grey Honda Civic, according to police

A stock photo of a 2005 grey Honda Civic, similar to the type Jesse and Violet Bennett may be travelling in. (RCMP Handout)

North Cowichan/Duncan RCMP are hoping the public will look out for a vehicle associated with father and daughter Jesse and Violet Bennett, who were reported missing on Jan. 23.

To date the pair has not been located but tips keep coming in, police say.

“We have received a large number of possible sightings across Vancouver Island, the Lower Mainland and even into the southeastern part of the province. Certainly, this is largely thanks to those who have shared Jesse and Violet’s photos, through both mainstream and social media,” said North Cowichan/Duncan RCMP Sgt. Trevor Busch. “Today, we are asking people to be on the lookout not only for Violet and Jesse but also for the vehicle Jesse is believed to be driving, a 2005 grey Honda Civic, four door sedan bearing B.C. licence plate HL1 11E with distinctive, Christianity focused stickers on the back.”

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Police maintain they have no reason to believe that Violet is in danger “but she is supposed to be with her mother and that is the primary goal at this time, to locate Violet and return her to her mother, as the court has ordered.”

Police believe that Jesse is evading contact in order to keep Violet with him.

Violet’s mother, Roget Jade Hall, made an appeal last week for her daughter to be returned safely.

“As a mother, I don’t know how to handle this situation, I feel shattered, broken and numb to everything,” she said in a statement to the Citizen.

Those with information about Jesse’s or Violet’s whereabouts is asked to contact the North Cowichan/Duncan RCMP at 250-748-5522 or the local police in their jurisdiction.

Cowichan Valleymissing personRCMP


North Cowichan/Duncan RCMP are searching for Jesse Bennett, who has gone missing with his daughter Violet. (RCMP Handout)

North Cowichan/Duncan RCMP are searching for Jesse Bennett, who has gone missing with his daughter Violet. (RCMP Handout)

North Cowichan/Duncan RCMP are looking for seven-year-old Violet Bennett, who has gone missing with her father Jesse Bennett. (RCMP Handout)

North Cowichan/Duncan RCMP are looking for seven-year-old Violet Bennett, who has gone missing with her father Jesse Bennett. (RCMP Handout)