RCMP remove impaired drivers from the road

Kimberley RCMP issue three driving suspensions in separate incidents over the weekend.

  • Mar. 23, 2015 4:00 p.m.

Over the weekend, Kimberley RCMP dealt with and removed three impaired drivers from the road.

The first occurred Friday, March 20, Columbia Valley received a report of an erratic driver and since it was south bound on highway 93/95 advised Kimberley to watch for it.

Officers located the vehicle around 7:00 pm near Skookumchuck and pulled it over.  While speaking to the driver they noted a number of physical conditions including deliberate actions and slow speech that caused them concern.

Officers came to the conclusion based on driving evidence and physical observations that the driver was impaired by a drug and his driver’s license was suspended for 24 hours.

On Saturday March 21, about 8:30 pm officers observed a vehicle with the right signal on, but didn’t turn. Then, when the vehicle went left, officers also noted the windshield wipers were on but it was not raining.

The vehicle was pulled over and officers noted signs of alcohol consumption.  The breath demand was read and the driver gave two samples, both a fail.  His driver’s license was suspended for 90 days and vehicle impounded for 30 days.

About an hour later on the same night, officers observed a vehicle make a left turn cutting off another vehicle.

The vehicle was stopped and when the officer spoke to the driver he noted signs of alcohol consumption.  The breath demand was read and the driver supplied a breath sample of “Fail”.  He issued a 90 day driving prohibition and his vehicle was impounded for 30 days.

Police are always watching for indicators of possible impairment.


Cranbrook Daily Townsman