RCMP Report: Black bear dies after vehicle incident

Upon arriving at the car accident scene, the RCMP were informed the bear had died from the injuries it had sustained.

Domestic Assault


Golden/Field RCMP were called to a local bar at approximately 1:30 a.m.

A female struck her estranged boyfriend in the back of the head while he was seated on the patio.

The male suffered superficial lacerations while the female involved in the incident was arrested with charges forthcoming in the future.

Tent trailer on fire

RCMP attended a tent trailer fire at the Wait-a-Bit campground. Forestry members were all ready en route to the site but the request was made to have the RCMP at the incident to keep the public back. The tent trailer was burnt to the ground but no one was injured in the fire. The occupant returned advising he had likely left a burner on inside.

Tire flies off truck


A pickup truck lost a tire while driving on the Trans Canada Highway, 10 kilometres west of Field. The left front tire of the brand new, 2013 vehicle came off and bounced into the oncoming lane of traffic where it struck another vehicle. No one was hurt in the incident and the investigation into what caused the accident continues. RCMP said the people involved were very lucky not to have been hurt.

Bear dies in traffic accident

There was a collision between a black bear and a vehicle.

The RCMP were informed that the animal seemed to be badly injured in the incident. Upon arriving at the accident scene, the RCMP were informed the bear had died from the injuries it had sustained.

The damage to the vehicle was limited and the driver was able to continue on his journey. RCMP would like to remind drivers to pay special attention when driving as many animals have been seen near the highways and roads around Golden.

Phone Scams

Elderly people in Golden have reported receiving phone calls from someone who claims to be a family member and then attempts to get the individual to send them money.

The RCMP said the person might indicate that he is a favourite nephew, and then leaves it to the person he called to provide the missing name.

The individual then comes up with a reason (like he needs bail money or has been in an accident) and asks the person to send cash. RCMP say this type of fraud has been happening for a long period of time and is not uncommon.

RCMP would like to advise people to be wary of any situation where they receive a call from someone in a situation us as the one described.

Panhandling issues

RCMP have noticed a rise in the number of homeless people who are being removed for illegally riding trains.

RCMP said once the people are removed from the trains they do tend to spend a number of days in Golden panhandling.

The individuals are ticketed for trespassing on the trains and the RCMP have had issues and complaints that the people end up panhandling in front of local businesses.

Delays on highways

RCMP would like to remind people who are travelling on local highways that there is construction currently taking place, which could cause delays. If you are going to be travelling, drivers are advised to leave earlier because delays could happen.

Golden Star