RCMP Report: Break and enter incidents on the rise in Golden

Local police have seen an increase in the number of break & enter and theft complaints over the past few weeks.

Break and enters on the rise

Local police have seen an increase in the number of break & enter and theft complaints over the past few weeks.

“We would like to encourage people to always lock their doors,” said Cst. Spencer Lainchbury, spokesperson for the Golden-Field RCMP. “There still seems to be a mentality with many residents that we live in a small town and should be able to leave things unlocked.”

Reports recently received include two houses in Parson being broken into with several items stolen, and one incident where a homeowner was woken up to an intoxicated male, whom she did not know, standing in her house at 4 a.m., and removing his clothing because he couldn’t find anywhere else to sleep.

Fight at local motel

The Golden-Field RCMP was called to a local motel on December 12 after neighbours could hear a fight between two males. Police attended and determined that one of the males had left putting an end to the fight. The other male, who is well known to police, was un-cooperative and refused to provide police with any details surrounding the fight.

28 year-old found with cocaine

Police are waiting for lab results after a 28 year-old male from Golden was found with what police believe is cocaine on December 8. The Golden-Field RCMP was called to a local bar that indicated that a male was heavily intoxicated and had fallen down in the bar.

The male was transported to the Golden and District Hospital where he was assessed and released. The male was then arrested for being intoxicated at which point police located a small baggie with a white substance in one of his pockets. Charges for possession of a controlled substance are expected to be approved in the new year.

Youths approved for RJ program

Three youths have been referred to Golden’s Restorative Justice program after police received a complaint alleging that the three had taken sandwiches from a local grocery store on December 9. This was the first of three shoplifting incidents reported that week as police were called to a different grocery store on December 12.

In the second incident three adults allegedly attempted to steal a number of items. One person was detained by store management while the other two fled on foot. All three were identified and have been issued an indefinite ban from the store.

The third incident was reported on December 11 in which a female stole a knife from a local gas station. Police are looking to review surveillance to identify the female and determine if charges will be laid.

False alarm for GADSAR

Golden and District Search & Rescue (GADSAR) was activated on December 12 after police received a report of a possible avalanche at Kicking Horse Mountain Resort. GADSAR responded and were able to determine that there was nobody in need of emergency assistance.

Transient resident spends evening in jail

A 57 year-old transient resident spent an evening in jail after police received a report from a local hotel that they were receiving complaints about the male being intoxicated in one of their stairwells. The male was not a guest at the hotel and was transported to cells until sober.

Calgarian lucky after out of bounds incident at resort

A 21 year-old from Calgary is lucky to be alive after GADSAR was activated for a second time on December 12. Search crews were able to locate the male, who had fallen into a creek, just before dark. The male was air lifted out of the area, which was out of bounds from Kicking Horse Mountain Resort, and treated for minor injuries.

“There is no doubt that if it hadn’t have been for the quick and excellent efforts of our local search and rescue team, this male would not have been able to survive being outside overnight,” said Cst. Lainchbury.

Male tries to get in police car

A 26 year-old male, who is in town for the season from Ontario, spent an evening in police custody on December 18 after he tried to get into the front seat of a police vehicle as the officer was speaking with another male.

Police determined the male was intoxicated and allege that he became belligerent after the officer told him that they would not be giving him a ride. The male was released without charges when sober and was apologetic.

House fire near resort

The Golden-Field RCMP was called to a house fire at one of the residences on Kicking Horse Mountain Resort on December 18.

“Renters contacted the police indicating that the chimney had caught on fire,” said Cst. Lainchbury. As the area is not within a fire protection area, police attended to maintain security of the fire scene. Several of the occupants were treated for smoke inhalation after trying to put the fire out.

“The house was completely destroyed in the fire. Thanks to the efforts of several neighbors, who continued to put water on the fire throughout the night, the fire was contained to the single residence.”

Golden male arrested for causing disturbance

A 28 year-old male from Golden was arrested for causing a disturbance by being drunk on December 20 after he began yelling obscenities at police outside a local bar.

“The male was unwelcome at the bar and when he tried to re-enter he was escorted back out by staff,” said Cst. Lainchbury.

Police then allege that the male attempted to run away from them at which point a short foot chase ensued and the male was arrested. No charges are expected in relation to this incident.

18 collisions on TCH

Local police responded to 20 collisions during the last two weeks, 18 of which occurred on the Trans-Canada Highway.

No major injuries were reported from any of the collisions.


Golden Star

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