RCMP Report: Halloween trick – not so funny

On Oct. 31 a group of teenagers went through the haunted house and decided it would be fun to rip and vandalize the inside of it

Every year Clearwater is lucky enough to have a magnificent haunted house open to all residents who wish to attend. Many people volunteer their own personal time for months before Halloween in order to have this fantastic house up and running.

It’s a shame that all of this hard work and enjoyment can be overshadowed by one act of disrespect.

On Oct. 31 a group of teenagers went through the haunted house and decided it would be fun to rip and vandalize the inside of it.

Clearwater RCMP would like to remind the parents of Clearwater to speak to their children about respecting other people’s property. If acts of disrespect continue to rise, it won’t be long before acts of kindness start fall.

Fraud alert!

Clearwater RCMP wish to remind persons of a telephone fraud aimed at hacking into your computer.

An unknown company is phoning people at their homes claiming to work for a computer company, stating that they have records showing that your personal computer has been hacked. They will ask you personal questions about yourself and your computer. It is important to quickly realize that this is a fraud and to hang up your phone immediately. Your personal computer has not been hacked, but if you continue to answer the questions, your personal information will be.

Leonardo Gra Fiti

On Oct. 30 police found some new art located on the walls at Wire Cache Rest Area. The artist used spray-paint to express his true feelings of the RCMP, which apparently aren’t great feelings.

The artist showed impressive command over the spray can, as seen by the sleek curves and straight rigid lines in his penmanship.

Clearwater RCMP believe the culprit is the same person who graced the Clearwater Post Office with some original work a couple months ago, as the signature “star” symbol was also seen.

Police are currently looking at the security cameras located on site for a positive identification.

Let’s stamp out crime

Anyone with information regarding any crime is invited to contact Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222 TIPS.



Clearwater Times