RCMP Report: Husky heist

On Tuesday, Dec. 20, the Blue River Husky was broken into

  • Dec. 29, 2011 12:00 p.m.

On Tuesday, Dec. 20, the Blue River Husky was broken into. The perpetrator(s) entered the building and managed to locate a safe containing an undisclosed amount of money in the manager’s office.

Unbeknownst to them, there was a motion sensor/security camera set up in the room. Clearwater RCMP are currently reviewing the video for submission.

If anyone has any additional information, please call the Clearwater RCMP detachment.

Overdue travelers

Clearwater RCMP would like to remind everyone that road conditions can vary this holiday season. Family members or friends who are traveling might be forced to spend the night halfway, rather than continuing on to their destination.

Please be sure to phone hotels or other friends/family members along the way rather than immediately reporting your traveler as a missing person.


Road checks will still be on full force for the upcoming weekend. Do yourself and other drivers a favor; call a friend or the Wells Gray Taxi (674-2214, 674-1542) if you’ve had anything to drink. The taxi service is open seven days a week, 24 hours a day.



Clearwater Times