RCMP Report: Pedestrian assaulted along Kicking Horse River

A male was assaulted last week in the alley behind 9th Ave. N after he was clipped by the side mirror of a pickup truck.

Impaired driving charge

Police noted a vehicle running outside a local bar at 1:30 a.m on Feb. 8. When the officer drove past, the driver shut off the vehicle and entered the bar.  Approximately five minutes later, the same officer noticed the same vehicle leaving the downtown core without driving lights on.  The vehicle was stopped and the driver, an Alberta resident, was found to be impaired by alcohol.  The driver was issued a 90 driving suspension and lost the use of the vehicle for 30 days.

Stolen camera

On Feb. 8, 2014 a Golden resident discovered their black Panosonic camera was missing from their vehicle. Anyone with information is asked to the call the Golden RCMP.

Pedestrian assaulted

A group of males were leaving a downtown bar at 2:30 a.m on Feb. 11.  They were walking through the alley behind 9th Ave N. when a vehicle passed by.  Contact was made between one of the pedestrians and the side mirror of the vehicle.  At this time, a male exited the vehicle and assaulted the pedestrian, who sustained injuries to his face.  The vehicle is described as a white Ford F-150 Platinum pick-up truck.

Fraudulent e-mail

On Feb. 12, a Golden resident reported that they received a fraudulent email from their bank.  The email requested the client update some account information and provide their social insurance number.  The resident completed the information request and sent the form back, at which point they became suspicious and contacted the bank itself.  The client was forwarded to the security department, advised that the bank did not send the request and informed that it was a “scam” email.


A Golden residence was broken into sometime over the weekend.  Missing from the residence is a white and black Jack Daniel’s electric guitar, a black amplifier and a chain saw.  Anyone with information is asked to call the Golden RCMP or Crimestoppers.

Upset Greygound passenger

In the early morning hours of Feb. 14, police responded to a disturbance at the Husky Truck Stop.  The investigation revealed that a Greyhound passenger travelling to Alberta had gotten off the bus during a stop over missed their departure.  The passenger was upset that they had missed the bus.  After speaking with the officers the subject calmed down and was resigned to the fact that they would have to wait for the next bus.

Golden Star