RCMP Report: Stolen vehicle in the river

Police recover a car stolen from Coldstream, B.C. out of the the Clearwater River

A car in the Clearwater River is visible only as a small bright spot downstream from the Highway 5 bridge on June 15.

A car in the Clearwater River is visible only as a small bright spot downstream from the Highway 5 bridge on June 15.

On Saturday, June 15, Clearwater RCMP was advised by a person at the front door of the detachment office that he had noticed a vehicle in the Clearwater River, underneath the Highway 5 Clearwater River bridge.

Police quickly attended the scene and identified that the incident did not occur recently.

Search and Rescue was dispatched to assist in gathering the vehicle’s license plate and information.

Police conducted queries on the vehicle and were advised that the car had been stolen from Coldstream, BC.

Search and Rescue, using a river raft, was also able to search the vehicle and confirmed that there were no people inside.

Car from riverClearwater Towing, with the assistance of Liquid Lifestyles, was able to tow the vehicle out of the river.

Due to the evidence supplied at the scene and inside the vehicle, police determined that vehicle had been pushed into the river.

The registered owner was contacted and advised of the vehicle recovery.

Clearwater RCMP would like to thank Clearwater Search and Rescue, Liquid Lifestyles and Clearwater Towing for their assistance in this investigation.

Vehicle collision during roundabout construction

On June 19, Clearwater RCMP responded to a two vehicle motor vehicle incident that took place in the busy roundabout construction zone on Highway 5 in Clearwater.

An Alberta driver was driving behind a German tourist in a rental vehicle, westbound on Highway 5. The rental vehicle activated its right turning light and started to move off the road. The Alberta driver accelerated to continue on past the vehicle.

The tourist then activated his left turning light and quickly turned leftward into traffic. The vehicles collided with each other.

Clearwater Towing was contacted to tow the vehicles apart and to take away the rental vehicle, which was not operable.

Clearwater RCMP remind drivers to pay attention while driving in the rain, construction zones and with other drivers.

Fire in the Flats

On Wednesday, June 19, Clearwater Fire Department and Clearwater RCMP attended a fire that occurred on Swanson Road in Clearwater Flats.

Swanson Road was blocked off to traffic to allow the fire crews the room they needed in battling the blaze.

Clearwater Fire Department acted quickly and brought the fire down to embers. The residence had extensive damage to the interior of the house.

The home owner had been recently in the residence and had left to do quick errands. While en route back to his home he noticed the fire trucks gathering on scene around his home.


Clearwater Times