RCMP Report: ‘Tis the season

Clearwater Detachment reminds people to keep an eye out and protect themselves. With today's online shopping market

It’s that time of year when the bargain hunters are out looking for that perfect gift. With all the hustle and bustle, it’s easy to let the guard down and become the victim of a property or identity theft.

The Clearwater Detachment reminds people to keep an eye out and protect themselves. With today’s online shopping market, there are often deals that are most certainly too good to be true. Safeguard yourself by using reputable online stores.

The recent popularity of online classifieds makes it much simpler to take advantage of vulnerable buyers. Always make sure of your purchase before any sort of money transaction takes place and use caution when giving out a credit card number or personal cheque.

Once you’ve finally bought your gifts, don’t have them taken by a thief who broke into your vehicle. Lock your doors and keep valuables out of plain view. In most cases, a little care and a double check goes a long way in keeping it a merry Christmas.

Snowmobiling safety

Snowmobiling season is right around the corner. Every winter, the Clearwater Detachment regularly responds to lost or overdue sledders.

Please remember to take the proper precautions before you head out.  Check the latest avalanche and weather conditions and make sure you’re properly equipped and have a plan. This means letting a friend or family member know where you will be and when you plan to return.

Something as simple as a note left on the dashboard of a parked vehicle is helpful. Technology has evolved to include some pretty checked out safety gear and tracking beacons that may be a smart investment.

A few dollars spent could be the game changer when it comes to a successful rescue. Hope for the best but plan for the worst.



Clearwater Times